Extensive public participation leads to strong Commission support

Bentonville’s Planning Commission voiced their support for Plan Bentonville’s proposed updates Tuesday evening, January 21, and have forwarded their recommendation for adoption to City Council.
It was a unanimous vote.
The decision comes on the heels of five public meetings over the course of the fall where proposed updates and modifications were presented and discussed. Specifically, the updates include replacement of Chapters 2 and 4 of the city’s Community Plan, together with a new Future Land Use Map (FLUM) reflecting their priorities. The Planning Commission also recommended a Future Land Use Plan and Zoning Alignment Policy to use as a guide for reviewing rezoning requests in the interim until new zoning codes are adopted, which is expected within the next six to nine months.
Community turnout was modest given the extent of prior input but a few residents did speak. As a result of that and related considerations, the Commission’s recommendation was conditioned upon three final modifications which are summarized in a memo from Planning Director Tyler Overstreet. That memo is available for review below.
Next in the process will be consideration by City Council on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 SW A Street.
The full Planning Commission meeting can be reviewed here.